Windows 10 Mobile Creators Update (feature 2): disponibile la build 15208

windows 10 creators update build 15063.2 surface phone italia
windows 10 creators update build 15063.2 surface phone italia

Il team insider ha da pochissimo rilasciato la build 15208 per tutti gli insider Windows 10 Mobile Creators Update (feature 2) appartenenti al ramo di distribuzione fast.

La build in questione non introduce nessuna novità, ma semplici bug fix. Ecco il changelog:

  • We’ve fixed the issue where some Insiders were unable to open both the Connect UX page and/or the “Add Bluetooth or other devices” setting on the Bluetooth Settings page.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in an unexpected extra ~20 sec being added to the phone shutdown process due to a deadlock if you tried to shut down soon after switching from one network to another

Ecco la lista dei problemi noti:

  • A small percentage of devices may experience text message backup loss related to backup and recovery of the messaging database.
  • The copyright date is incorrect under Settings > System > About. It shows as 2016 when it should be 2017. Thanks to the Windows Insiders that reported this!
  • Insiders may experience random shutdowns on some devices.
  • In some cases, the WeChat app may crash on launch.

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