Minecraft: il 24 Maggio 2019 uscirà il Film

minecraft sbarca in cina - surface phone italia
minecraft sbarca in cina - surface phone italia

Il famosissimo gioco Minecraft, acquistato dalla Microsoft quasi 2 anni fa, ha annunciato nelle scorse l’uscita del film d’animazione.

La data prevista per l’uscita è fissata il 24 Maggio 2019. Ecco le dichiarazioni che troviamo sul blog ufficiale Mojang:

I know you’ve been thinking just about every day, “When’s the Minecraft movie coming out?” Luckily for you, we can finally say!

The Minecraft movie will be released on May 24, 2019! The film will also be released in 3D & IMAX.

Yes, that might seem like a long time away, but it just so happens to be the right amount of time to make it completely awesome. And we all want an awesome Minecraft movie, right?

That’s it for now, but as time goes on we’ll share loads more. Loads!


E chi sarà il regista?

Rob McElhenny, il co-protagonista della sitcom It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.


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