Windows 10 Mobile: disponibile la build 15254.527 per Feature 2

Windows 10 Mobile
Windows 10 Mobile

Nonostante negli ultimi mesi Microsoft non sia stata proprio precisa, l’aggiornamento di agosto per Windows 10 Mobile Feature 2 è arrivato puntuale insieme alla controparte desktop.


Attualmente non è stato pubblicato alcun changelog ufficiale anche se sappiamo perfettamente che si tratta di correzioni di bug e miglioramenti alla sicurezza essendo un update di tipo cumulativo.


Per scaricare subito la nuova build recatevi nelle impostazioni di sistema>Aggiornamento e Sicurezza>Windows Update e cliccate sul pulsante “Verifica disponibilità aggiornamenti”.

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4 Commenti

  1. Novità di Windows 10 Mobile Build 15254.527

    Provides protections against a new speculative execution side-channel vulnerability known as L1 Terminal Fault (L1TF) that affects Intel® Core® processors and Intel® Xeon® processors (CVE-2018-3620 and CVE-2018-3646). Make sure previous OS protections against Spectre Variant 2 and Meltdown vulnerabilities are enabled using the registry settings outlined in the Windows Client guidance KB article. (These registry settings are enabled by default for Windows Client OS editions.)

    Addresses an issue that causes Internet Explorer to stop working for certain websites. Updates support for the draft version of the Token Binding protocol v0.16. 

    Addresses an issue that causes Device Guard to block some ieframe.dll class IDs after installing the May 2018 Cumulative Update. Ensures that Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge support the preload=”none” tag.

    Addresses a vulnerability related to the Export-Modulemember() function when used with a wildcard (*) and a dot-sourcing script. After installing this update, existing modules on devices that have Device Guard enabled will intentionally fail. The exception error is “This module uses the dot-source operator while exporting functions using wildcard characters, and this is disallowed when the system is under application verification enforcement”. For more information, see and

    Addresses an issue that was introduced in the July 2018 .NET Framework update. Applications that rely on COM components were failing to load or run correctly because of “access denied,” “class not registered,” or “internal failure occurred for unknown reasons” errors.

    Security updates to Windows Server

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