Windows 10 Mobile Redstone 2: Disponibile la build 14936

windows 10 redstone 2 build 14971 - surface phone italia
windows 10 redstone 2 build 14971 - surface phone italia

Microsoft ha rilasciato agli Insider appartenenti al ramo Fast la build 14936 per Windows 10 Mobile.

Ecco i fix e le migliorie apportate:

  • We fixed the issue causing the pin pad to not be visible to unlock the phone even after rebooting the phone.
  • We fixed the issue where some phones lose the ability to use their SIM cards.
  • We fixed the mobile hotspot issue where it works the first time but subsequent attempts to use the feature won’t work until the phone is rebooted.
  • We fixed an issue causing some devices such as the Lumia 650 from failing to install a new build with Error 0x80188308.
  • We fixed the issue causing some build updates to fail with an 800703ed error code.
  • We fixed the issue where Action Center no longer closes if you swipe up on the empty space (area of Action Center that doesn’t show any notifications).
  • We fixed an issue where notifications were unexpectedly showing the app logo within the notification when viewed in Action Center.
  • We fixed an issue for devices that shipped with Windows Phone 8.1, such as the Lumia 930 and 1520, where if you plugged in a headset during an ongoing call, the audio would not be routed to the headset.

Problemi noti:

  • If you have your default storage set to a SD card for apps, installation of apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and WeChat will fail with an error. As a workaround, set your default location to your device’s onboard storage.

Ricordiamo che questa build è una versione in anteprima agli Insider, potrebbe causare un danneggiamento del telefono, pertanto ne sconsigliamo l’aggiornamento sul telefono principale.

Per aggiornare, basta posizionarsi sul Fast Ring e nel menù Windows Insider Program e fare la ricerca degli aggiornamenti.


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