[AGGIORNAMENTO 1] | Il team Windows Insider rilascia la build Windows 10 per tutti gli Insider appartenenti al ramo di distribuzione Fast. Ecco a voi la build 14959.
Di seguito troverete il changelog delle novità e dei fix applicati:
- E’ stato aggiunto il comando Zoom in Hyper-V, nel menu Vista, con quattro valori di scaling applicabili: 100, 125, 150 e 200. È anche stato risolto un problema in cui alcune virtual machine non mostravano la barra della connessione al desktop remoto dopo essere entrate in modalità full-screen.
- Risolto un problema degli Insider in cui la luminosità automatica in alcuni casi si disattivava dopo un aggiornamento. Per risolvere è stato necessario riattivare la luminosità automatica per tutti gli Insider che non l’avevano mai modificata.
- Risolto un problema in cui il login potrebbe non andare a buon fine su PC connessi a un dominio dopo che questi vengono disconnessi dal dominio
- Risolto un problema di aggiornamenti di alcune app come Outlook con l’errore 0x800700B7
- Risolto un problema in cui l’espulsione di certe schede SD può mandare in crash il sistema
- Risolto un problema degli effetti di transizione delle immagini nel Lock Screen dopo aver messo “non mi piace” a una delle immagini
- Risolto un problema in cui lanciando un’app da un’altra app in modalità Tablet (per esempio, un link web da MSN Notizie) la lanciava a schermo intero invece che affiancata.
Problemi noti
- Permane il problema con antivirus di terze parti: l’aggiornamento a questa build potrebbe non andare a buon fine, con conseguente ritorno alla precedente build
- Internet Explorer potrebbe andare in crash pochi secondi dopo l’avvio
Articolo originale,
Insieme all’uscita della build per Windows 10 mobile Redstone 2, ecco che la build 14955 fa il suo approdo anche su Windows 10 Desktop. Anche in questo caso, la disponibilità è limitata ai soli utenti insider appartenenti al ramo di distribuzione Fast.
Ricordiamo ancora una volta che queste build sono disponibili in anteprima solo ed esclusivamente per gli utenti Insider. La versione ufficiale di Redstone 2 verrà rilasciata molto probabilmente a Marzo 2017.
Anche in questo caso, l’unica novità introdotta è quella relativa all’aggiornamento dell’app Posta e Calendario.
Ecco il changelog ufficiale:
- Now you can draw along the protractor and have the degree visual remain visible until you start drawing again. We’ve also updated the degree visual to be more clear – black text on a white background, as opposed to the previous black text on a red background.
- We fixed the issue causing you to be unable to sign into apps such as Feedback Hub, Groove, MSN News, etc. with your Microsoft Account if you sign out or get signed out of these apps.
- This build includes several fixes for precision touchpad:
- We fixed an issue where precision touchpad was mis-classifying presses when mousing with one finger and pressing with another.
- We fixed the issue in which “Reset touchpad” was appearing on PCs that don’t support precision touchpad (legacy touchpad).
- We fixed the issue where the 4-Finger gesture graphic would be viewable in Settings on PCs that support only 3-contact.
- We fixed an issue with popular graphics app Paint.NET where horizontal scrolling was broken.
- This build includes several fixes for Narrator:
- We have added a new key command to read the active window title of the current application. You can use Caps Lock + / for this.
- We’ve improved Narrator’s recognition of edit boxes on the web in Scan Mode so you get the message to use space to edit more consistently when focus has moved to an edit box.
- We’ve done work to ensure that continuous reading is interrupted appropriately if focus changes or you issue a Narrator command that should stop continuous reading. We’ve also worked to ensure that continuous reading doesn’t stop when it shouldn’t.
- We’ve updated the Trusted Platform Module Management control panel (TPM.msc) to provide additional detail when the TPM is “Not ready for use” or “Ready for use, with reduced functionality”.
- We fixed an issue resulting in Task Manager always opening with the default view, despite having configured it on the previous launch (for example, to “Show more details”).
- We fixed an issue where attempting to partition a USB drive via DiskPart would fail with the error “The system cannot find the file specified”.
- We fixed an issue where certain USB drives were failing to mount automatically or via Device Manager, despite being mountable using Disk Management.
- We fixed an issue where Accessibility settings were failing to roam down-level to some PCs running the Windows 10 Anniversary Update – triggering a sync loop and possibly causing some performance issues on those down-level PCs. If you have encountered this issue, to get out of this state – you will need to change a setting under Settings > Ease of Access so that fix will roam down-level. Whichever setting you changed to trigger roaming can be changed back if needed.
- We fixed an issue where Settings would crash when copying hardware properties from the Wi-Fi settings page.
- We fixed an issue where files were no longer automatically selected after being pasted into a folder in File Explorer.
- We fixed an issue resulting in not being able to enter input into the Time or Place fields when creating a Reminder in Cortana.
- We’ve updated the advanced tab of the device properties window in the Sounds control panel to now allow you to select the following sample dates as the default format for devices that support it: 24 and 32 bit at 176400Hz, and 16, 24 and 32 bit at 352800 Hz.
- USB Audio 2.0 devices are now named based on the make/model of the device, rather than using a generic name, in places across the system, for example Device Manager.
- We fixed an issue in Microsoft Edge that prevented dragging content out of the browser to other windows
- We fixed an issue that caused Microsoft Edge to crash when using the Share button to share web pages and PDFs to Mail.
Ecco la lista dei problemi noti:
- If you have a 3rd party antivirus product installed on your PC – your PC might not be able to complete the update to this build and roll-back to the previous build.
- Insiders may experience the Windows Ink Workspace crashing when using the protractor – we’re investigating.
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