AliExpress disponibile al download per Windows 10 e Windows 10 mobile

AliExpress disponibile al download per Windows 10 e Windows 10 mobile

Il team di AliExpress ha deciso di rendere disponibile al download sul Windows Store la propria applicazione per Windows 10 e Windows 10 mobile.

Per chi non lo conoscesse, AliExpress è un e-commerce globale composto da molti piccoli venditori che offrono una grande varietà di prodotti (un po’ come Amazon per intenderci).

Eccovi la descrizione dell’app riportata sullo store:

The AliExpress app is an online shopping marketplace at your fingertips. Millions of people from all around the world have found some of their favorite items through us. Perhaps some of your neighbors or friends have already fallen in love with shopping on AliExpress. Here’s why: Our customers have access to great products at incredible prices!

Buying directly from sellers in China means you can buy the same products you can get anywhere else, but for much lower prices! Buyers on AliExpress have access to a choice of 100+ million products. You can find just about anything you wish for among our large product selection. You can get anything from clothing, shoes and accessories, to car parts, electronics and baby care items. You can even find a range of different customizable products too.

Another reason to fall in love with AliExpress is that we give free shipping on over 75% of our products!

In addition, the AliExpress app offers great value with daily deals, regular promotions and thousands of coupon giveaways.

AliExpress makes shopping easy and convenient all around the world.


Eccovi invece alcuni screenshot e il link al download:


AliExpress Shopping App|Download, gratis

A primo impatto abbiamo notato che l’applicazione è una semplice web-app, tuttavia è abbastanza veloce e molto bella graficamente.

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