Facebook Messenger: un nuovo aggiornamento porta interessanti novità

facebook messenger beta - surface phone italia
facebook messenger beta - surface phone italia

Il team di Facebook ha rilasciato da poche ore un nuovo aggiornamento lato server per la propria app di Messenger su Android, IOS, Windows 10 e Windows 10 mobile.

L’aggiornamento in questione porta con sé le seguenti novità:

  • Rinnovata completamente l’interfaccia della fotocamera
  • Aggiunta la possibilità di inserire nelle foto disegni, scritte, sticker ed emoji
  • Aggiunte le maschere 3D
  • Aggiunti nuovi filtri

Introducing the New Messenger CameraToday, we’re announcing a brand new Messenger Camera with art and special effects — just in time for the holidays.

The new Messenger Camera makes sending photos and videos faster, simpler, and more fun. The camera is always one tap or swipe away— whether you’re already in a conversation or just opened up the app.

We’re also introducing new art and special affects, allowing you to enhance the photos and videos you share with your friends and family. There are thousands of stickers and frames to choose from, as well as all-new 3D masks and special effects that will turn your everyday moments into works of art. Finally, you can customize your new creations with drawings and text to brighten the conversations that you’re already having.

This new visual update will start rolling out today to iOS and Android users globally and we’ll be sharing more tips and tricks for using the Messenger Camera and artwork soon. For more information, visit: http://wp.me/p4eLrC-1OV. We hope you enjoy and have fun using the new Messenger Camera with all new art and special effects!


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Messenger - Surface Phone Italia


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Facebook Messenger: un aggiornamento lato server porta interessanti novità


Testando sui nostri device Windows 10 mobile queste nuove features abbiamo notato che l’opzione per aggiungere le scritte è affetta da un bug, tuttavia tutto il resto sembrerebbe funzionare perfettamente. Cosa ne pensate a riguardo? Fatecelo sapere nei commenti.

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