Groove Musica, presto arriveranno i video musicali

microsoft groove music musica - surface phone italia
microsoft groove music musica - surface phone italia

Groove Musica potrebbe presto reintrodurre nella sua app universale i video musicali.

L’annuncio viene fatto sulla community, in occasione dell’aggiornamento di Groove per Xbox One Preview alla versione 3.6.2381. Il post viene accompagnato con il changelog, ma un verso recita:

The new universal app doesn’t have music videos just yet. We know how much you love videos and will bring them back as soon as we can.

Per completezza, il changelog ufficiale della versione 3.6.2381:

  • Check out the new focus on genres in Explore. You can now see curated playlists, new releases, best new songs, top albums, and top artists…all by GENRE!! Available in US, UK, FR, CA, and DE.
  • Radio stations show up in Recent Plays in Your Groove.
  • You can check out which artists are included in a playlist in Explore more easily now because they are highlighted when you click on a playlist.
  • You can give feedback on playlists in Your Groove with a thumbs up or thumbs down. You can also mute specific songs in a Your Groove playlist if you don’t want to hear it anymore. Muted songs will be excluded when you play that playlist later or save a copy to your collection.
  • Introduced landmarks in Groove to reduce tabs when using Narrator.

E’ bello vedere come man mano si aggiungono funzioni davvero interessanti, potrebbe questo far concorrenza a YouTube per quanto riguarda gli “official music video”?


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