Pokèmon GO: ecco come sarà per Hololens [VIDEO]

pokemon go windows 10 mobile windows phone - surface phone italia
pokemon go windows 10 mobile windows phone - surface phone italia

Non è una novità che Microsoft stia lavorando per portare Pokèmon Go sugli Hololens.

Nelle scorse ore, è apparso in rete un interessantissimo video che mostra come sarà Pokèmon Go sugli Hololens. Eccolo:


A proposito di ciò, ecco le dichiarazione del CEO Satya Nadella:

“It’s fantastic to see these augmented reality applications getting built. This Pokemon interest will hopefully will translate into a lot of interest in HoloLens. Because if you think about it, the game physics of that app [Pokemon Go] are built for HoloLens. Of course, the phone is great because after all the install base of the phone is enormous. Think about now what that game on HoloLens would mean — you aren’t trying to use a phone, when you can actually just use your eyes to look through and have that augmented reality experience.”


E voi…? Cosa ne pensate? Avete firmato la petizione per avere Pokemon Go su piattaforma Windows 10? E anche voi farete il tifo per averlo sugli Hololens?

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