Renault-Nissan: nuova partnership da parte di Microsoft


Renault-Nissan e Microsoft annunciano una partnership per sviluppare servizi per automobili di prossima generazione.

Con questo accordo pluriennale, Microsoft consentirà a Renault-Nissan l’utilizzo di Microsoft Azure per migliorare l’esperienza utente come personalizzazione, navigazione avanzata, servizi predittivi, controllo remoto, e aggiornamenti OTA.

renault-nissan infotainment - surface phone italia
renault-nissan infotainment – surface phone italia

La sicurezza della piattaforma Azure è stata il punto di forza per far si che Renault-Nissan scegliesse Microsoft, che crede in questa partnership che accelererà  lo sviluppo del miglior sistema infotainment e migliori servizi basati sulla localizzazione tra i quali:

Allow customers to personalize and protect their settings: Customers will be able to customize their settings knowing that data is safe and that they have the option to transfer the settings from one car to another, or lock them and disable transfer. By adding a driver-centric experience in the car, the drive becomes personal and allows for things like adaptive route suggestions and advanced navigation.

Productivity: With Microsoft, Renault-Nissan will expand the realm of productivity into the car – transforming the daily commute into a productive experience by seamlessly integrating the digital experiences present at work and life into the car. 

Give access to over-the-air updates: Customers will be able to download over-the-air updates to, for example, have the latest autonomous drive software and collision-avoidance applications.

Help customers stay in touch: Customers will be able to easily check in and communicate their estimated time of arrival, or alert friends to a change of plans. They will also be able to use automatic payment from the car for highway tolls or parking, with a simple touch from the comfort of their seat.

Monitor the car from a distance: Car owners will be able to monitor their car from anywhere, through their mobile phone or laptop. They could transfer control to a friend or relative who needs their car – without transferring physical keys. They will use a mobile application that helps them find the car, can trigger remote charging and preconditioning and lock and unlock the car.

Protect the vehicle: Tracking software locates a stolen car and disables it at the next practical opportunity. “Geofencing” technology creates invisible fences around the car that will enable notifications when the car enters or exits a predefined area or route.

Improve the vehicle experience: By adding connectivity, customers will be able to have access to advance vehicle diagnostic services, allowing the car manufacturer to deliver unique features. Collecting real usage data will also support vehicle engineering to improve manufacturing quality.

Io sono un possessore di una Renault Clio IV e questa partnership non fa altro che aumentare la mia stima verso questa Azienda e sarò curioso di provare il frutto che ne deriverà.

Io spero di vedere un bel sistema infotainment con possibilità di collegare in continuum il mio Lumia. E voi?

2 Commenti

  1. wuuuu 😀 grande!! 🙂 mai avuto renault, però non so perchè, ma l’accoppiamento mi piace! 😀

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