Surface Pro 4: disponibile nuovo aggiornamento firmware

surface pro 4 intel hd graphics aggiornamento firmware luglio 2016 - surface phone italia
surface pro 4 intel hd graphics aggiornamento firmware luglio 2016 - surface phone italia

Nelle scorse ore Microsoft ha rilasciato l’aggiornamento di giugno 2016 per Surface Pro 4.



Ecco le modifiche che troviamo direttamente sul blog ufficiale Microsoft:

Here is a summary of updates for Surface Pro 4 devices in June:

  • Improved stability when resuming from sleep or hibernation
  • Optimized battery utilization when in connected standby
  • Resolved issue where the touch screen remains active when the clipboard is closed against the keyboard

The following updates will be listed as multiple updates when you check for updates in Windows, or when you view your Windows update history after installing the updates:

  • Microsoft driver update for Surface UEFI
  • Microsoft driver update for Surface Integration

The ZIP and MSI files are available at

  • SurfacePro4_Win10_160911_0.msi

Surface UEFI (v105.1203.768.0) improves system stability resuming from sleep or hibernation and optimizes battery utilization in connected standby.

Surface Integration Driver (v1.0.81.0) resolves issues where the touch screen remains active when the clipboard is closed against the keyboard.


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