È da poco disponibile al download un nuovo aggiornamento cumulativo per gli utenti Windows 10 20H1 che hanno scelto il ramo di distribuzione Slow: si tratta della build 19041.207.
Fix di bug e miglioramenti generali:
- We fixed an issue that causes the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service (rpcss.exe) to close unexpectedly and the device stops working. Then you must restart the device.
- We fixed an issue that causes the Device Enrollment Status Page (ESP) on managed devices to stop responding if a policy that requires a restart is installed on the device.
- We fixed an issue that might prevent the rear camera flash from functioning as expected on devices that have a rear camera.
- It also includes the latest security updates to the Microsoft Scripting Engine, Windows Kernel, Windows App Platform and Frameworks, Microsoft Graphics Component, Windows Media, Windows Shell, Windows Management, Windows Cloud Infrastructure, Windows Fundamentals, Windows Authentication, Windows Virtualization, Windows Core Networking, Windows Storage and Filesystems, Windows Update Stack, and the Microsoft JET Database Engine.
Problemi noti:
- We are aware Narrator and NVDA users that seek the latest release of Microsoft Edge based on Chromium may experience some difficulty when navigating and reading certain web content. Narrator, NVDA and the Edge teams are aware of these issues. Users of legacy Microsoft Edge will not be affected. NVAccess has released a NVDA 2019.3that resolves the known issue with Edge.
Il nuovo aggiornamento cumulativo è numerato KB4550936 e per installarlo è sufficiente recarsi in Impostazioni > Aggiornamento e Sicurezza > Windows Update e cliccare sul pulsante “Verifica disponibilità aggiornamenti“.
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