AGGIORNAMENTO | Microsoft ha reso disponibili le ISO per la build 15002. Potete scaricarle a questo indirizzo.
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È da poco disponibile al download la nuova build 15002 per tutti gli utenti insider appartenenti al ramo di distribuzione fast.
Anche questa volta purtroppo, non è stata rilasciata nessuna build relativa a Windows 10 mobile. Il motivo, ci spiega Dona Sarkar tramite un tweet, risiederebbe nel fatto che ancora non sono stati soddisfatti i requisiti minimi per poter pubblicare una versione “beta” pubblica.
Ecco le novitá introdotte nella build 15002:
- Aggiunta una opzione in Windows Update che permette all’utente di bloccare tutti gli aggiornamenti automatici dei driver di Windows
- Presente il cambio di nome da “Continua esperienze app” a “Cross-Device Experiences”
- Aggiunta la possibilità di controllare l’intero processo di configurazione iniziale di Windows attraverso i comandi vocali di Cortana (per maggiori informazioni clicca qui)
- Nelle impostazioni è stata aggiunta la nuova sezione per i temi di Windows 10 che va a sostituire quella del pannello di controllo
- Aggiunta nelle impostazioni la funzione per regolare la luce blu emessa dal display (si tratta di una funzionalità molto richiesta che potrebbe arrivare anche su Windows 10 mobile)
- Introdotti i collegamenti rapidi di Microsoft Edge nell’appbar
- Aggiunta la possibilità di creare cartelle con le tiles
- Inserita una nuova opzione per mettere in pausa Windows Update
- Introdotte nuove funzionalità in Windows Holographics
- Presente una nuova app di sistema Learn Gesture (non funzionante)
- Miglioramenti in Windows Update
- Aggiunta una nuova schermata di errore di colore verde che va a sostituire la vecchia “Blue Screen of Death”
Ecco la lista dei problemi noti:
- Opening Battery settings page via Settings > System > Battery will crash the Settings app.
- The option to enable the Virtual Touchpad is missing from the taskbar context menu.
- Cortana’s cross-device scenarios won’t work on this build (including notification mirroring, missed call, share photos, share directions, low battery, and find my phone).
- Some websites in Microsoft Edge may unexpectedly show “We can’t reach this page”. If you encounter this, please try accessing the site from an InPrivate tab.
- Dragging apps from the all apps list to pin on Start’s tile grid won’t work. For now, please right-click on the desired app in order to pin it.
- Using CTRL + C to copy in Command Prompt won’t work.
- When projecting to a secondary monitor, if you set the connection to “Extended”, Explorer.exe may start crashing in a loop. If this happens, turn off your PC, disconnect the secondary monitor, then restart your PC.
- The touch keyboard button may be unexpectedly missing from the taskbar. If this happens, open the taskbar context menu, and select “Show touch keyboard button”.
- You may see an error from Windows Hello saying “Couldn’t turn on the camera” on the lock screen.
- Brightness changes made via Settings > System > Display will unexpectedly revert after closing the Settings app. For now, please use either Action Center, power flyout or brightness keys to change the brightness
- The list of apps in the Surface Dial “Add an app” page via Settings > Devices > Wheel may unexpectedly be empty. If that happens, tap the “Browse for an app” button at the bottom of the screen to pick the desired app instead.
- Miracast sessions will fail to connect.
- The Netflix app may display a black screen rather than the expected video content. As a workaround, you can use Microsoft Edge to watch video content from Netflix.
- On certain hardware types (e.g.: Acer Aspire), the Netflix app crashes when starting a movie.
- 3rd party UWP apps would crash on devices if the DPI settings on the machine are >=150% (Generally people do this on high resolution devices – Surface book etc.)
- If you upgrade from Windows 8.1 directly to Build 15002, all your store apps are lost during upgrade process but you can go and re-download all the lost apps from the Store.
- When using Microsoft Edge with Narrator, you may hear “no item in view” or silence while tabbing or using other navigation commands. You can use Alt + Tab when this happens to move focus away from and back to the Edge browser. Narrator will then read as expected.
- Saying “Hey Cortana, play <item> on <AppName>” doesn’t work immediately after installing the app. Wait 5 minutes for indexing to begin and try again.
Ecco la lista dei miglioramenti secondari:
- The 3D Builder app has been moved to the “Windows Accessories” folder on Start.
- We fixed an issue where the display brightness keys on some devices weren’t working as expected.
- We fixed an issue where the display may stay black after resuming from sleep if a USB display is connected.
- We fixed an issue where opening an app that uses the camera, such as the Camera app, would sometimes result in a bugcheck.
- We fixed a crash in the RPCSS service which in turn was resulting in some Insiders experiencing CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED bugchecks on recent builds.
- We fixed an issue for touch keyboards sometimes requiring multiple clicks to invoke on non-touch PCs.
- We fixed an issue where Disk Cleanup would sometimes unexpectedly show 3.99TB worth of Windows Update Cleanup files.
- We’ve updated our logic so if the Microsoft Edge window is narrow and Cortana has a tip, Cortana will only appear as an icon in the address bar. If you expand the window, you’ll see the full suggestion as before.
- We’ve updated tooltips for the Microsoft Edge favorites bar to wrap around for longer website names rather than truncate.
- We fixed an issue where Touchpad settings page via Settings > Devices > Touchpad wasn’t displaying an icon next to its name in the navigation pane.
- We fixed an issue that may have resulted in a recent drop in Action Center reliability for Insiders.
- We’ve updated the Speaker Properties dialog to now allow you to configure Spatial Audio for different endpoints. If the current playback device has Spatial Audio enabled, the volume icon in the notification area will now indicate this.
- We’ve made some tweaks to the backend for how users connect to devices, such as Miracast displays and other PCs. Use the Connect UI (WIN+K) as you normally would, and file feedback if you encounter any issues.
- We’ve removed the rerouting of mspaint.exe to Paint 3D – appreciate everyone who’s shared feedback on the Paint 3D experience, please keep it coming.
- We fixed an issue Insiders may have experienced on recent builds where navigating to OneDrive folders could unexpectedly result in popup saying there had been a “Catastrophic Error”.
- We fixed an issue that could result in a Visual Studio crash when trying to open, add, or save a file.
- We fixed an issue resulting in some Insiders using PCs with certain older chipsets from seeing colored boxes in the place of text and various other UI in UWPs apps.
- When you use Miracast to a device that supports input (for example, an Actiontec Screenbeam or Miracast-enabled Windows 10 PC), you will now see a toast notification to help you enable input (touch, keyboard, etc) on that device.
- We fixed an issue where the Home and End keys were unexpectedly not working in certain Settings pages, for example “Apps & features”.
- Fixed an issue that could cause some progress indicators in UWP apps to appear to wobble or glitch.
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[…] relativa alle luce blu emessa emessa dal display di cui abbiamo discusso nella build 15002 di Windows 10 Creators Update? Bene, quella funzionalità, sarà a breve disponibile anche su Windows 10 […]
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