È da poco disponibile al download la build 20246 di Windows 10 per gli utenti Insider che hanno scelto il canale di distribuzione Dev!
Time for a rarely spotted Thursday flight, #WindowsInsiders! Build 20246 is now available in the Dev Channel. Get more details: https://t.co/xHuehIaXMT pic.twitter.com/JLRc17EaRj
— Windows Insider (@windowsinsider) October 29, 2020
Ramo di sviluppo FE_RELRASE
A partire dalla build di oggi, gli utenti Insider noteranno che il nome del ramo da cui rilasciamo le build è cambiato in FE_RELEASE. Proprio come abbiamo fatto a maggio, quando abbiamo rilasciato le build dal ramo MN_RELEASE, stiamo esercitando la nostra capacità di cambiare il ramo di sviluppo dal quale rilasciamo le build. Dato che i nostri ingegneri lavorano internamente nei cicli di sviluppo, possiamo dare priorità al lavoro svolto in un ramo specifico e potremmo aver bisogno di spostare gli Insider tra i rami. Come risultato del passaggio al ramo FE_RELEASE, alcune funzionalità (come il pannello delle emoji aggiornato; la tastiera touch ridisegnata; la digitazione vocale) sono state temporaneamente rimosse. Cercheremo di riportate queste caratteristiche agli Insider in futuro. Come importante promemoria: le build provenienti dal ramo FE_RELEASE nono sono abbinate ad una specifica versione di Windows 10.
Altri aggiornamenti
- Starting soon, the preview experience of the Calendar app will be removed in an upcoming update and return to its classic look and feel. Windows Insiders will see a pop-up notifying them of the changes to the preview experience. No action is needed at this time. We appreciate all your great ideas and are excited to continue building the best Calendar experience.
Updates for developers
The Windows SDK is now flighting continuously with the Dev Channel. Whenever a new OS build is flighted to the Dev Channel, the corresponding SDK will also be flighted. You can always install the latest Insider SDK from aka.ms/InsiderSDK. SDK flights will be archived in Flight Hub along with OS flights.
Fix di bug e miglioramenti
Fix di bug:
- We fixed an issue causing some devices experiencing a KMODE_EXCEPTION bugcheck when using certain virtualization technologies.
- We fixed an issue causing devices running Malwarebytes Web Protection to no longer be able to connect to the network.
- We fixed an issue causing some devices to receive a DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL bugcheck on tcpip.sys.
- We fixed an issue that could result in the Pick Time button in the Windows Update dialog not doing anything.
- We fixed an issue where hovering over a thumbnail in Task View would display an unexpected border around the item.
- We fixed an issue where chkdsk could appear to be stuck at 100% due to not printing the message saying it was done.
- We fixed an issue that could result in a crash when disconnecting certain audio devices while playing audio in recent builds.
- We fixed an issue where the Windows Update page in Settings could fail to load if connected to a Wi-Fi network with no internet connection.
- We fixed an issue resulting in Settings crashing sometimes when clicking the Update and Security category.
- We fixed an issue resulting in Storage Settings unexpectedly showing incorrect category sizes (a higher number than what was visible in File Explorer).
- We fixed an issue that could lead to a crash when managing partition size in Storage Settings.
- We fixed an issue that stopped GPU compute scenarios such as CUDA and DirectML not working for some users inside of the Windows Subsystem for Linux.
Miglioramenti generali:
- We added automatic Linux distro installation to the wsl.exe –install command! This means that users who wish to install the Windows Subsystem for Linux quickly can just type in wsl.exe –install into the command line and then will have a fully set up WSL instance ready to go, including their Linux distro of choice.
Problemi noti
- We’re investigating reports of installing games from the Store to a secondary non-OS drive will result in the secondary drive becoming inaccessible. To prevent this from occurring you must change the default storage for new content to the secondary drive PRIOR to installing the game. This can be done in Settings > Storage > Change where new content is saved.
- We’re looking into reports of the update process hanging for extended periods of time when attempting to install a new build.
- Live previews for pinned sites aren’t enabled for all Insiders yet, so you may see a grey window when hovering over the thumbnail in the taskbar. We’re continuing to work on polishing this experience.
- We’re working on enabling the new taskbar experience for existing pinned sites. In the meantime, you can unpin the site from the taskbar, remove it from the edge://apps page, and then re-pin the site.
- We’re working on a fix for an issue causing some devices to experience a DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION bugcheck.
- We’re investigating an issue reported by some Insiders wherein the taskbar is obscuring the Power button in the Start menu. If this is happening on your PC, you may need to use the Windows key plus X menu to shutdown for the time being.
- Windows Insiders on ARM PCs such as the Surface Pro X will notice that Windows PowerShell will fail to launch on this build. As a workaround, please use “Windows PowerShell (x86)” or “Windows PowerShell ISE (x86)” from the Start menu if you need to use PowerShell. Or download the new and modern PowerShell 7 which takes advantage of ARM by running natively. Plus the icon is prettier.
Per installare subito la nuova build, è sufficiente recarsi in Impostazioni > Aggiornamento e Sicurezza > Windows Update e cliccare sul pulsante “Verifica disponibilità aggiornamenti”.
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