È da pochissimo disponibile al download la build 21301 (RS_PRERELEASE) di Windows 10 per gli utenti Insider che hanno scelto il canale di distribuzione Dev!
Hey #WindowsInsiders – Build 21301 is available for folks in the Dev Channel! Check out the blog post for all the details: https://t.co/aoQdQlrrVM ^AL#AreYouFlightingYet pic.twitter.com/hJcmc3uwvZ
— Windows Insider (@windowsinsider) January 27, 2021
Miglioramento del design della tastiera virtuale
Sulla base delle modifiche di progettazione già in atto nel canale Dev, Windows Insiders inizierà a notare altri perfezionamenti per la tastiera virtuale in base al loro feedback. Tali perfezionamenti includono:
- Quando si sganca la tastiera, ora passa al layout di tastiera Small ed è possibile spostare facilmente la tastiera utilizzando l’area della pinza nella parte superiore della tastiera.
- I layout piccoli e divisi ora dispongono di una vista di simbolo aggiornata in base al layout predefinito.
- Il menu delle impostazioni ora ha una struttura nidificata per una maggiore chiarezza e meno confusione.
Infine, abbiamo una nuova icona di feedback della password a sinistra della barra spazia spaziale per quando ti trova in un campo password e vorresti attivare il feedback della pressione visiva dei tasti sulla tastiera virtuale.
Alcuni addetti ai lavori possono anche vedere gli aggiornamenti al layout di tastiera predefinito su schermi da 12″ o più grandi con la tastiera con un layout di tastiera più tradizionale con un tasto ESC, TAB e Windows e altre piccole modifiche.
Una cosa che abbiamo sentito dai nostri clienti è che la barra dei candidati può sentirsi ingomucciata e difficile da elaborare rapidamente. Per ridurre il sovraccarico cognitivo visualizziamo al massimo 5 candidati e li centreremo in posizione sopra la tastiera.
Questa funzionalità è in fase di implementazione in un sottoinsieme di Insider nel canale di sviluppo all’inizio, per aiutarci a identificare rapidamente i problemi che possono influire sulle prestazioni e sull’affidabilità. Siate certi che verranno gradualmente implementati a tutti nel Canale di sviluppo.
Fix di bug e miglioramenti generali
Fix di bug:
- We fixed an issue so that the taskbar context menu and news and interests should no longer overlap.
- We fixed an issue where in certain circumstances, news and interests would use 100% of CPU when it is first launched.
- We fixed an issue that could result in Task Manager crashing when switching to the Details tab.
- We fixed a recent issue for some Insiders related to the Clock and Calendar flyout that could result in ShellExperienceHost using an unexpectedly high amount of CPU.
- We fixed an issue resulting in the State Repository Service being prematurely terminated during service startup. If you were impacted, one possible symptom was it taking longer to load the desktop when signing in. If you’re continuing to experience performance issues when logging in, please file them with a trace under Install and Update > Logon hangs.
- We fixed an issue where if you searched for “change your password” and used the result to launch Settings, Settings would crash.
- We fixed an issue where Aero Shake was unexpected disabled in the last few flights.
- We fixed an issue where when moving a window between mixed DPI monitors it could result in the window margins being calculated with the wrong DPI, leading to the window overflowing on the other monitor when maximized.
- We fixed an issue that could result in certain HEIF files not rendering although the correct codecs were installed.
- We fixed an issue resulting in pinning a website to your taskbar from Microsoft Edge not working in the last few flights.
- We fixed an issue that could result in VPN repeatedly connecting and disconnecting in a loop.
- We fixed an issue resulting in some 32-bit systems lost network connection in recent flights.
- We fixed an issue resulting sometimes in nothing happening after clicking a “Wi-Fi password needed” notification.
- We fixed an issue where certain games like State of Decay 2, or Assassin’s Creed, may hang or crash when launching.
- We fixed a few issues resulting in Narrator not reading elements of our troubleshooters when in Scan Mode.
Miglioramenti generali:
- We made a change so that when you right click locally saved files displayed in jump lists, in addition to Open you will now have the option to Open File Location.
- We updated our N’Ko keyboard layout to add access to currency and some other symbols by tapping the keys along the top row of your keyboard while holding the Shift key.
- We updated the Touchpad on/off toggle under Settings > Devices > Touchpad such that it no longer requires admin privileges to change.
- We updated our backend dictionaries to help improve spellchecking and text prediction relevance.
Problemi noti
- Miracast users may experience very low frame rates in this build.
- We’re looking into reports of the update process hanging for extended periods of time when attempting to install a new build.
- We’re investigating an issue impacting the reliability of Start and other modern apps, which started in the previous flight. If you are impacted, you may experience the Start menu layout resetting.
- Live previews for pinned sites aren’t enabled for all Insiders yet, so you may see a grey window when hovering over the thumbnail in the taskbar. We’re continuing to work on polishing this experience.
- We’re working on enabling the new taskbar experience for existing pinned sites. In the meantime, you can unpin the site from the taskbar, remove it from the edge://apps page, and then re-pin the site.
- [News and interests] Sometimes the news and interests flyout cannot be dismissed with pen.
- [News and interests] News and interests uses more taskbar space on the left than expected.
- [News and interests] The taskbar button can show stale information each time the user signs into their Windows session.
- [News and interests] The news and interests flyout shows content in a single column before quickly switching to double column.
- [News and interests] Text in taskbar button can look pixelated in high resolution screens.
- [News and interests] Attempting to share content dismisses the flyout.
- [News and interests] In certain situations, the flyout may not dismiss until the taskbar button is clicked or the hover effect may appear stuck.
- [ARM64] Insiders who installed the preview version of the Qualcomm Adreno graphics driver on the Surface Pro X may experience reduced brightness of the display. This will be addressed in a future update.
Per installare subito la nuova build, è sufficiente recarsi in Impostazioni > Aggiornamento e Sicurezza > Windows Update e cliccare sul pulsante “Verifica disponibilità aggiornamenti”.
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Hi, someone has issues with the HP Officejet Pro 6830 and the usb connection after the update to Windows Pro 10 Insider Preview Build 21301.rs_prerelease.210123-1645 ?
Before this relelease all was functioning and smooth.
After this update I cannot install the printer with the usb cable:
1) with the Hp software alreardy installed, when I conncect the usb cable to the printer the program doesn’t recognize the printer (I use the lastest Hp software available on the Hp site and I have also performed the printer firmware update).
2) If I do a fresh installation of the Hp program, when I insert the USB cable, Windows 10 seems to identify the printer, a spinning circle appears, but at the end of the spinning the program shows me a red X and it can’t install the printer, without showing a specific error or issue.
Any idea to fix this issue ?
Thanks in advance.
Sometime ago it happened a similar thing to my OfficeJet 5230. I’ve solved it uninstalling the HP software and removing the printer from Windows 10 in: Settings>Devices>Printers & Scanners. Then I did a new configuration via USB and all worked fine.
I hope this could help you, please let me know if you manage to fix solve it 🤞🤞
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