Windows 10 mobile: ecco la build 14356

windows 10 mobile insider build 14342 - surface phone italia
windows 10 mobile insider build 14342 - surface phone italia

Dona Sarkar è da poco leader del team Windows Insider ed ha appena annunciato la nuova build 14356 per gli utenti insider appartenenti al ramo di distribuzione fast.

Ricordiamo ancora a tutti gli utenti impreparati, che questo rilascio è disponibile solo agli utenti iscritti al programma insider (in questo caso al fast ring), quindi solo tali utenti potranno effettuare l’aggiornamento: pertanto gli utenti non iscritti al programma, dovranno semplicemente aspettare l’uscita dell’Anniversary Update, prevista per questa estate, il 29 Luglio, esattamente un anno dopo dal rilascio di Windows 10.



Andiamo a vedere le novità introdotte nella nuova build 14356:

  • Notifiche sincronizzate tra telefono e PC:
    In questa sezione, Dona Sarkar fa una precisazione:

    NOTE: Android requires Cortana version 1.7.1 or higher. (download here for U.S. and download here for China) Some actions on Cortana forward notifications may not be fully functional yet, including reply from PC (for Windows 10 Mobile). Muting the forwarded Windows 10 Mobile notifications per app will come soon. In the meantime, if you want to stop receiving phone notifications, go to Cortana settings and toggle off “Send notifications between devices”. 
  • Invia una foto dal telefono al PC
  • Cortana: nuove animazioni inserite

Ecco la lista dei problemi risolti (14356)

  • We fixed an issue that was resulting in high battery usage when using the Microsoft Health app.
  • We fixed an issue where the 75-85% battery icon was not very accurate, and made it look like you had more battery left than you actually did.
  • We updated the UI for rearranging Quick Actions in the Settings app to now show a visual confirmation of readiness on press and hold, and to show the other Quick Actions reflowing while you’re dragging the Quick Action to its new spot.
  • The Settings app will no longer crash when you are re-arranging Quick Actions resulting in the loss of Quick Action slots.
  • We fixed an issue that caused the Brightness Quick Action to appear missing.
  • We updated thumbnail generation logic to now only create the small thumbnail automatically after taking a picture, and create a larger thumbnail on demand. This saves SD card space for people who take a very large number of photos.
  • We have made improvements to the Glance screen. We fixed an issue that resulted in the Glance screen clock occasionally not being up to date. The Glance screen will now “Always show Glance screen when charging” as the default behavior. And we fixed an issue resulting in Glace screen possibly showing an unexpected and extremely large badge count.
  • We fixed an issue where the Alarms & Clock app might not update corresponding to a time zone change, resulting in an alarm going off at the wrong time.
  • We fixed an issue where the Camera app wouldn’t launch from the hardware key for certain devices if the Flashlight Quick Action was active.
  • We decreased the size of icons used in notifications from 64×64 to 48×48 – maintaining the visibility, while improving the use of space in the Action Center.
  • We fixed an issue where the solid black rectangle of the keyboard could sometimes be seen for a second after entering your pin on the Lock screen to unlock your device.
  • We fixed a few issues causing the keyboard not to come up with various UWP apps like the Messaging app, Microsoft Edge, and Cortana.
  • We fixed an issue where diversity emoji might show up as two characters (emoji and diversity modifier) in certain apps, including Messaging.
  • We updated backup logic to also include Start tile transparency percent, so that backups created from Build 14356 onwards will restore preferred transparency.
  • We fixed an issue that resulted in PCs failing to connect to the phone’s mobile hotspot with the error “Can’t set up network”.
  • We have updated app names on Live tiles to now reflect Ease of Access’ Text Scaling setting.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in the Brightness Quick Action not doing anything on certain devices after setting brightness to “automatic” in the Settings app.
  • We fixed an issue that resulted in Groove crashing when swiping to open the hamburger menu.
  • We fixed an issue that resulted in the Settings app sometimes freezing for a bit when moving a very large number of apps to a SD card.
  • We fixed an issue that resulted in Continuum having extremely fast scrolling inertia with certain TVs.
  • Fixed an issue where Glance screen might show stale badge counters for a few seconds immediately after Glance appeared
  • We have updated the Mobile Hotspot settings page to give clearer error messaging when setting up a hotspot fails due to no SIM being connected.
  • We fixed an issue that could result in Reminders not showing up at the correct time after upgrading.
  • We fixed an issue that would result in Cortana not showing any results if you started the mic and didn’t say anything, and then typed out the query.
  • We improved the reliability of Cortana listening after tapping the mic button.
  • We improved the refresh time of Wi-Fi data usage breakdown under Settings > Network and wireless > Data usage so it will more quickly update to reflect your usage when you open the page.
  • We fixed an issue where the navigation bar buttons for certain devices might be mapped incorrectly when the phone was locked leading to press and hold on back button invoking one-handed mode, and press and hold on Windows button invoking search.
  • We fixed an issue that resulted in not being able to turn off Bluetooth above the Lock screen without entering your pin.
  • We fixed an issue where certain apps, such as WhatsApp, were not displaying a detailed status on the Lock screen.
  • We fixed an issue where certain games developed for Windows Phone 8.1 might not scale correctly after the navigation bar had been hidden and would result in a black bar at the bottom of the screen on devices like the Lumia 535.
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