E’ da pochissimo disponibile al download la nuova build 17746 per tutti gli utenti Windows 10 Redstone 5 appartenenti al ramo di distribuzione Fast.
Fix di bug
- We fixed an issue where Narrator would incorrectly report some standard combo boxes as “editable combo box” instead of “combo box”.
- We fixed an issue in Windows Mixed Reality causing motion controllers to need to be re-paired after initial setup before appearing in the headset. If you still experience this, please file feedback in Feedback Hub.
- We fixed an issue for Japanese and German where when you reset your PC (from Settings > Update & Security > Recovery) the progress percent would be written in the middle of the string rather than at the end.
- We fixed an issue when using Italian as your display language where the Yes button to confirm file deletion would sometimes disappear when trying to delete a OneDrive file via File Explorer.
- Thanks for everyone that’s shared feedback about naming the tabs you’ve set aside in Microsoft Edge. We’re evaluating the right approach for this feature and in the meantime, it has been removed from RS5 builds.
Problemi Noti
- You may experience a bugcheck (GSOD) when logging out of your user profile or shutting down your PC.
- When you use the Ease of Access Make Text bigger setting, you might see text clipping issues, or find that text is not increasing in size everywhere.
- Narrator sometimes does not read in the Settings app when you navigate using Tab and arrow keys. Try switching to Narrator Scan mode temporarily. And when you turn Scan mode off again, Narrator will now read when you navigate using Tab and arrows key. Alternatively, you can restart Narrator to work around this issue.
Per installare subito la nuova build, è sufficiente andare nelle Impostazioni di Sistema > Aggiornamento e Sicurezza > Windows Update e cliccare sul pulsante “Verifica disponibilità aggiornamenti”.
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