Windows 10 Redstone: disponibile nuovo aggiornamento cumulativo

microsoft windows 10 redstone insider fast ring build 14393.726 redstone 2 redstone 3 - surface phone italia
microsoft windows 10 redstone insider fast ring build 14393.726 redstone 2 redstone 3 - surface phone italia

Nelle scorse ore Microsoft ha rilasciato un secondo aggiornamento relativo a Windows 10 Redstone.

La build in questione è la 14393.576 e prende il nome di KB3206632. Ovviamente non ci sono novità introdotte in questo nuovo aggiornamento, ma semplicemente bug fix. Ecco il changelog completo:

  • Improved reliability of Security Support Provider Interface.
  • Addressed a service crash in CDPSVC that in some situations could lead to the machine not being able to acquire an IP address.
  • Addressed issue where a Catalog-signed module installation does not work on Nano Server. 
  • Addressed issue with Devices left with Hello on for an excessive amount of time will not go into power savings mode. 
  • Addressed issue with gl_pointSize to not work properly when used with drawElements method in Internet Explorer 11.
  • Addressed issue where Azure Active Directory-joined machines after upgrading to Windows 10 Version 1607 cannot sync with Exchange.
  • Addressed additional issues with app compatibility, updated time zone information, Internet Explorer.
  • Security updates to Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Uniscribe, Common Log File System Driver. 

L’aggiornamento ovviamente è disponibile tramite Windows Update ed è disponibile anche per gli utenti insider del canale Release Preview.


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