[AGGIORNAMENTO] La build 14393.321 è disponibile anche nel canale Release Preview.
Insieme all’aggiornamento di Windows 10 mobile, arriva anche per Windows 10 desktop l’aggiornamento alla build 14393.321. Tale build è disponibile al download per tutti gli utenti Windows 10.
L’aggiornamento cumulativo, che prende il nome KB3194798, porta con se diversi bug fix e miglioramenti alla stabilità di sistema. Ecco il changelog ufficiale:
- Improved reliability of Bluetooth and storage file system.
- Addressed issue causing printer drivers to not install correctly after installing security update KB317005.
- Addressed issue causing sign-in errors if a password is entered incorrectly or a new password doesn’t meet password complexity requirements after installing security update KB3167679.
- Addressed issue that required users to log out and log back in before using the application they installed using the Windows installer (MSI).
- Improved support for networks by adding new entries to the Access Point Name (APN) database.
- Addressed issue that was causing excessive battery drain on Windows 10 Mobile when connected to Wi-Fi.
- Addressed issue in which setting up both fingerprint and iris recognition sometimes causes the sign-in to fail on Windows 10 Mobile.
- Addressed issue that was causing high CPU usage on Windows 10 Mobile.
- Addressed additional issues with multimedia playback, revised daylight saving time, authentication, Internet Explorer 11, and Windows Shell.
- Security updates to Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer 11, Windows registry, and diagnostics hub.
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