Insieme all’aggiornamento di Windows 10 Redstone, il team Microsoft ha rilasciato un aggiornamento cumulativo anche per Windows 10 Threshold, la build 10586.545.
Tale aggiornamento, numerato KB3176492, porta con se diverse migliorie e bug fix. Andiamo a vedere il changelog ufficiale:
- Improved reliability by allowing more time for devices to recover from connected standby mode.
- Addressed issue affecting some devices with Bitlocker enabled that didn’t start up to the BitLocker password entry screen.
- Addressed issue with MouseUp and MouseDown events not working correctly when using a scroll bar in an Inline Frame (IFrame).
- Addressed issue that delays the display of content when resizing the Internet Explorer 11 browser window.
- Addressed issue with special keys and mouse clicks that don’t work on devices when Remote Assistance is in session.
- Addressed issue with rendering multi-pixel points in Web Graphics Library (WebGL).
- Addressed additional issues with certain devices that can’t transition from connected standby to sleep mode, updates not installing, and Internet Explorer 11.
- Security updates to Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge, Kernel Mode Drivers, Windows Authentication Methods, Microsoft Graphics Component, and Kernel Mode Blacklist.
Per effettuare l’aggiornamento, andate in Impostazioni -> Aggiornamento e Sicurezza -> Aggiornamenti
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