Windows 10 Mobile Creators Update: disponibile la build 15207

windows 10 creators update build 15063.2 surface phone italia
windows 10 creators update build 15063.2 surface phone italia

Il team insider ha da pochissimo rilasciato la build 15207 per tutti gli utenti Insider Windows 10 Mobile (feature 2) appartenenti al ramo di distribuzione Fast.

La build, come ci aspettavamo, non introduce nessuna novità. Ecco l’unica nota presente nel changelog:

  • We have added a privacy page to the Windows 10 Mobile OOBE and upgrade experiences that allows you to quickly and effectively make common privacy changes while setting up the device. However, Insiders have reported that their device would crash or reboot shortly after unlocking their device for the first time after the upgrade if their device did not have a password configured to unlock the device. After updating to Build 15207, you will see this privacy page one more time – but should no longer experience a crash or reboot.

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