Cortana, un nuovo brevetto svela novità in arrivo per l’assistente vocale


Cortana potrebbe presto occuparsi della configurazione dei dispositivi andando a sostituire i mitici “libretti di istruzione”, per lo meno questo sembra l’intento spulciando nell’ultimo brevetto presentato da Microsoft in merito alla sua assistente vocale che recita:

…it is often difficult, or at least more than trivial, for a user to connect a newly purchased device with an existing system of one or more devices. Typically, newly purchased devices will come with an instruction manual – perhaps a quick start guide. However, even the instruction manual is often difficult to follow, relies on the user knowing information that the user might not be immediately sure of, and can sometimes be frankly time consuming and frustrating for a user.
At least some embodiments described herein relate to a digital assistance device that at least partially automatically sets up a device so as to operate within a system of one or more other devices. The digital assistance device at least partially automates the setup process that would usually come in a quick start guide. This is made possible by digitalizing the quick start guide so as to be at least partially interpretable by the digital assistance device. The digital assistance device can thereby determine, for each step, what it can do based on its information and capability, but also how the instructions can be simplified based on what it knows, and for what it cannot do, it passes all or a portion of the quick start guide for that step to the user via an intractable interface. Accordingly, potential manual setup tasks are offloaded to automation, thereby simplifying the setup of a device through technical automation.

Cortana in futuro potrebbe, quindi, fornire soluzioni e suggerimenti sulla configurazione dei device quali potrebbero essere TV, Console, indossabili e altro diventando un vero e proprio supporto aggiuntivo nel caso di prima accensione.

Le implicazioni potrebbero essere anche maggiori, pur ricordando che la semplice concessione di un brevetto non significa automaticamente l’arrivo imminente di un prodotto sul mercato o, come in questo caso, un’implementazione a breve di un servizio. Cosa ne pensate? Fatecelo sapere nei commenti

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