È da ieri sera disponibile al download l’ultima build del 2019 per gli utenti Windows Insider nel ramo di distribuzione Fast: si tratta della build 19536.
Our last flight of 2019 is here! Build 19536 is ready for Insiders in the Fast ring. Learn more in our blog post: https://t.co/5yWWOsWaFR pic.twitter.com/dzYiPaKAxH
— Windows Insider (@windowsinsider) December 16, 2019
Driver facoltativi
Microsoft sta lavorando per semplificare la visualizzazione degli aggiornamenti facoltativi (driver, aggiornamenti delle funzionalità e aggiornamenti mensili di qualità non di sicurezza) in un unico posto. Una volta rilevati, questi update vengono elencati in Impostazioni > Aggiornamenti e sicurezza > Windows Update > Visualizza aggiornamenti facoltativi.
Setup del gruppo famiglia
In questa build è stato reso più facile configurare un dispositivo in modo che possa essere utilizzato da più persone in una famiglia. Durante la prima configurazione è presente una nuova schermata che chiede da chi sarà utilizzato il device: Solo io o Persone nella mia famiglia.
Aggiornamenti per gli Insider
Novità per Your Phone (Il tuo telefono):
- Adesso è possibile visualizzare e interagire con le ultime 2.000 foto. Precedentemente era possibile vedere solo le ultime 25 [In fase di roll-out per gli utenti Insider con Windows 10 May 2019 Update o versione successiva].
- Durante l’utilizzo della funzione “Schermo telefono” è possibile utilizzare la penna per scrivere e disegnare nelle app mobile [disponibile per tutti gli utenti Insider con Windows 10 October 2018 Update o versione successiva].
- La funzionalità Chiamate è in fase di roll-out per tutti gli utenti che utilizzano Windows 10 May 2019 Update o versione successiva.
Fix di bug
Whether you want to increase your productivity, decrease your stress levels, or just free up some mental space, Microsoft To Do makes it easy to plan your day and manage your life. If you are opening To Do for the first time, you may notice some new UI that helps ensure you have the latest version of To Do installed. You will only see this the first time you open the app, and users who already have To Do installed will not see this step at all.
- Windows RE (Recovery Environment) no longer requires an administrator password to access recovery tools.
- We’ve updated the new File Explorer search experience to enable you to remove previous searches via an option if you right click the entry in the dropdown.
- We fixed an issue resulting in the first character of your query getting dropped when “automatically type into the search box” File Explorer setting was enabled.
- We fixed an issue that could result in unexpectedly needing to re-download the whole game when an update to your installed game came via the store.
- We fixed an issue that could result in Task Manager’s icon not appearing in the notification area of the taskbar even though it had been enabled in Settings.
- We fixed an issue that could result in Resource Manager getting stuck and not showing any disk activity.
- We fixed an issue with the Vietnamese Telex keyboard where after typing an upper-case letter in certain apps, Ctrl+A would stop working in that app.
- We fixed an issue where creating a new storage pool in the UI would fail with incorrect parameter.
- We fixed an issue where after dragging the bottom of a UWP app up to resize it, any further resizing actions from the bottom wouldn’t work.
- With this build, users who had previously used HomeGroup will no longer see a notification on upgrade about its deprecation.
- We fixed a typo in the text under Settings > Search > Searching Window.
- We’re working on adding Downloads Folder to your Privacy Settings options, and you’ll see it in today’s flight. More details will be shared later.
- We fixed an issue where if your device was offline, Narrator would still announce that language features were available to download when you navigated to the per-language options under Language Settings.
- We fixed an issue that could result in no tooltip with the full text appearing in Settings when hovering over text truncated with an ellipsis.
- We’re removing the separate Hotspot 2.0 setting under Wi-Fi. This setting was provided while the feature was still in experimental phase, and having it enabled is now part of having Wi-Fi enabled.
- We fixed an issue that could result in the Bluetooth battery level displayed in Settings getting stuck and thus reducing accuracy.
- We fixed an issue where if you rolled back the build you were on, Windows Update might still list the older build number under Update History.
Problemi noti
- BattlEye and Microsoft have found incompatibility issues due to changes in the operating system between some Insider Preview builds and certain versions of BattlEye anti-cheat software. To safeguard Insiders who might have these versions installed on their PC, we have applied a compatibility hold on these devices from being offered affected builds of Windows Insider Preview. See this article for details.
- We’re looking into reports of the update process hanging for extended periods of time when attempting to install a new build.
- We’re looking into reports of certain external USB 3.0 drives not responding with Start Code 10 after they’re attached.
- The Optimize Drives Control Panel is incorrectly reporting that optimization has never run on some devices. Optimization is completing successfully, even though it is not reflected in the UI.
- The Documents section under Privacy has a broken icon (just a rectangle).
Per installare subito la nuova build, è sufficiente recarsi in Impostazioni > Aggiornamento e Sicurezza > Windows Update e cliccare sul pulsante “Verifica disponibilità aggiornamenti”.
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