Minecraft: Story Mode – A portal to Mystery disponibile al download

Minecraft episodio 6 - a portal to mystery - surface phone italia
Minecraft episodio 6 - a portal to mystery - surface phone italia

Minecraft: Story Mode Episodio 6 – “A Portal to Mystery” è ora disponibile al download su Windows Store.



Ecco la descrizione che troviamo sullo store:

As Jesse, you’ll embark on a perilous adventure across the Overworld, through the Nether, to the End, and beyond. You and your friends revere the legendary Order of the Stone: Warrior, Redstone Engineer, Griefer, and Architect; slayers of the Ender Dragon. While at EnderCon in hopes of meeting Gabriel the Warrior, you and your friends discover that something is wrong… something dreadful. Terror is unleashed, and you must set out on a quest to find The Order of the Stone if you are to save your world from oblivion.

Il prezzo di acquisto che troviamo è di 4.99€. Ecco il link al download:

Minecraft – Episode 6: A Portal to Mystery | Download, 4,99€


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