Surface Studio e Xbox One S premiati all’IDSA americana

Surface Studio
Surface Studio

Il primo All In One di casa Microsoft e la sua più celebre console in formato compatto sono stati premiati all’Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) per il design e la linea dei dispositivi.

Per quanto riguarda Surface Studio, pare abbia conquistato la prima posizione nella categoria “consumer technology”, l’IDSA ha infatti dichiarato:

Surface Studio is an all-in-one computer that transforms the way people create and produce. Built with creatives in mind, it redefines the ideology of an all-in-one computer that adjusts to the tasks at hand. Surface Studio is equipped with the thinnest in-class display mounted on a zero-gravity hinge, making it seem like a floating sheet of pixels. This simple gesture allows continuous workflow, switching from work mode to drafting to upright orientations with just one finger.”

Quanto invece a Xbox One S, medaglia di bronzo, queste le dichiarazioni dell’ente:

The Xbox One S is the latest version of the Xbox game console. It’s capable of 4K HD Blu-ray video and streaming and high-dynamic-range imaging. It’s 40 percent smaller than its predecessor, the Xbox One. Additional features include an integrated IR blaster, an internal power supply and up to 2 terabytes of internal storage.”

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