Windows 10 Mobile: disponibile la build 15254.582


Microsoft ha da pochissimo rilasciato un nuovo aggiornamento cumulativo per Windows 10 Mobile: si tratta della build 15254.582.


  • Addresses an issue that may prevent devices from starting up or cause them to continue restarting if they are connected to a domain that is configured to use MIT Kerberos realms. Domain controllers and domain members are both affected.
  • Security updates to Windows Wireless Networking, Windows Storage and Filesystems, Windows App Platform and Frameworks, Microsoft Scripting Engine, Microsoft Edge, Windows Server, Windows MSXML, the Microsoft JET Database Engine, Windows Datacenter Networking, Windows Virtualization, Windows Cryptography, Windows Input and Composition, and Internet Explorer.


Per installare subito la nuova build, è sufficiente recarsi in Impostazioni > Aggiornamento e Sicurezza > Windows Update e cliccare sul pulsante “Verifica disponibilità aggiornamenti”.

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